Finance, Premises, Health & Safety Further Information
Delegated responsibilities:
- Ensure that the budget is only spent for school purposes
- Approve all purchases, contract and services in excess of £2,500 and up to £10,000 between budget headings and ensure three quotes have been sought where appropriate.
- Review contracts and services as required.
- Agree the first formal budget plan, prioritised against school improvement priorities
- Agree an annual Best Value Statement
- Monitor adequacy of financial management competency amongst staff and governors
- Approve the four signatories for authorising orders and payments
- Ensure that the school is compliant with the Schools Financial Value Standards
- Monitor income and expenditure reports and approve returns required by LA
- Establish (and keep under review) a charging and remissions policy
- Appoint (annually) auditors to conduct an audit of the School Fund
- Receive an annual report on the audited accounts of the School Fund
- Approve (and keep under review) ordering and payment systems
- Respond to reports from the Local Authority’s auditors
- Approve the writing off of irrecoverable debts up to £500
- Approve the disposal of surplus and damaged equipment
- Consider annual financial benchmarking data and analyse outcomes
- Agree end of year surplus/deficit
- Ensure the budget has allocated funds to support the school improvement plan and any agreed changes to staffing structure
- Ensure all required finance policies and procedures are in place and implemented
- Maintain strategic oversight of school support services (e.g. finance/admin/cleaning/ICT)
- Consider annual report from Headteacher on the operation of the appraisal policy
- Determine the school’s staffing complement
- Review staffing structure annually
- Ensure safer recruitment requirements are met
- Conduct staff exit interviews
- Approve applications for early retirement, secondment and leave of absence not covered by local agreements
- Approve (and keep under review) school pay policy
- Approve (and keep under review) appraisal policy
- Establish a pay committee from its members
- Establish all legally required and Local Authority recommended premises related policies and monitor the effectiveness of their implementation
- Arrange for regular monitoring and inspection of school premises
- Monitor all health and safety arrangements
- Approve hiring policy and charges
- Ensure implementation of accessibility plan
Policies/plans/procedures under committee’s remit
- Finance Policy
- Charging Policy
- Financial Management and Reporting Procedures
- Governors’ Allowances Scheme
- Best Value Statement
- Schools Financial Value Standard
- Schools Finance and Contract Regulations
- Statement of Internal Control
- Data Protection
- Freedom of Information
- Appraisal
- Pay
- Range of staffing procedures
- Whistle blowing
- Health and Safety
- Lettings/Accessibility Plan
- Risk assessments
- School security
- Car parking
- Grounds
- Fire safety
- Accessibility
- Emergency/Contingency
- Maintenance
- Fire evacuation