Full Governor Meeting Further Information
General and Procedural Responsibilities
- Draw up instrument of government and any amendments thereafter
- Follow the guidance as set out in The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools
- Agree proposals to change category of school
- Agree suspension of governors
- Appoint (and remove) the chair and vice chair of the governing body
- Determine period of office of chair and vice chair (between 1 and 4 years)
- Appoint (and dismiss) the clerk to the governors
- Elect committee chairs annually
- Consider forming, joining or leaving a federation
- Establish (and update annually) a register of governors’ business interests
- Appoint (and remove) co-opted governors
- Appoint (and remove) associate members
- Determine governors’ code of conduct
- Agree whether or not to exercise delegation of functions to individuals or committees
- Regulate the GB procedures (where not set out in law)
- Establish and review committees annually
School Self Evaluation/School Improvement Planning Responsibilities
- Agree school vision and strategic plan
- Agree the outcomes of the School’s Self Evaluation process
- Approve school improvement plan, monitoring implementation and evaluating impact
- Appoint lead governors for subjects, special needs, safeguarding, vulnerable pupils
- Ensure OFSTED findings are incorporated into the school improvement plan
Data Analysis and Target Setting Responsibilities
- Scrutinise range of pupil performance data to evaluate the school’s performance, including information provided in the Governors’ Data Dashboard
- Agree challenging targets for pupil achievement/attainment, ensuring they are based on outcomes of robust data analysis
- Evaluate the school’s performance against agreed targets
- Receive attendance and exclusions data from the Headteacher, including impact of initiatives in place to improve poor attendance
Staffing Responsibilities
- Formally approve appointments of Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher
- Ensure that at least one governor on the selection panel for Headteacher appointments has completed safer recruitment training
- Nominate 2/3 governors to conduct Headteacher’s performance management
- Nominate a named governor for the staff whistle blowing policy
- Agree membership of selection panel for HT/DHT appointments
- Appoint an external adviser to assist the governing body in the performance management of the Headteacher
Finance Responsibilities
- Enter into contracts above £10,000
- Review contracts and services due for renewal where cost is above £10,000
- Approve transfer between budget headings above £10,000
- Approve purchase of services from Local Authority and other sources where cost of service is above £10,000
- Make any decisions referred to full governing body by Resources Committee
- Approve annual budget by 30th June
- Evaluate the impact of the use of pupil premium funding and other resources to overcome barriers to learning
- Evaluate the impact of the allocation of the primary school sport funding in improving the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision
Premises Responsibilities
- Agree long term strategy for use of school premises
- Make any decisions referred to full governing body by Premises Committee
Pupils, Parents and Community
- Approve discipline/behaviour policy
- Ensure that school policy and procedure for looked after children are consistent with the measures set out in the statutory guidance.
- Ensure legally required information is published online: including SEN policy, curriculum arrangements, pupil premium spending, reading schemes, latest OFSTED report, links to DfE school performance tables
- Agree parental complaints procedure and publicise to parents
- Ensure the governing body can demonstrate its accountability to parents
- Adopt (and keep under review) home-school agreements
- Consider matters relating to the role of the school in the community
- Consult annually before setting an admissions policy
- Establish an admissions policy and publish
- Consider admissions applications
- Appeal against Local Authority direction to admit pupils
- Approve Child Protection policy and review its effectiveness at least annually
- Consider school’s safeguarding audits and monitor subsequent action plans
Extended Services
- Decide whether to offer additional services and what form these should take
- Decide whether to cease provision of additional services
- Review provision and impact of additional services
Policies under remit of FGB
- Governors’ Induction
- Governors’ Code of Conduct
- Looked After Children
- Special Educational Needs
- Sex Education
- Behaviour Principles
- Child Protection
- Home School Agreement
- School Self Evaluation
- School Improvement Plan
- Scheme of Delegation
- Governors’ Code of Conduct
- Governors’ Improvement Plan
- Class Visits policy
Governors will be assigned to one or more of the following committees
- Finance, Premises, Health & Safety
- Curriculum, Standards & SEN